Billionaire Stepbrother - Secret Lives Page 15
All the information that Winslow had about him and Essential Steel was insider information. Only three people in the company other than himself had access to such things. Someone from inside his own company was involved in all of this, and Winslow wanted him to know for some reason. He guessed that Winslow had at least some respect in business, if not much. He couldn’t say the same about his personal life, though.
Dante let out a deep sigh. Mr. Tycochi was a new client in talks with Cynthia about shipping parts to Japan to make and repair cars. He was going to really launch Essential Steel into the foreign market. Losing him could be quite devastating.
“I get the point. Where is your Winslow? I’m ready to make a deal.” It came out curt, but he didn’t care. The cowards in front of him were nothing more than a couple of nerds bullied into being this rich guy’s lackeys.
“He will be back in a moment. He is in a meeting with Mr. Tycochi as we speak,” the second lackey spoke. The first nudged him in the ribs. Apparently, he hadn’t gotten the memo that that was a secret.
Dante held himself back from running out of the conference room to find where Winslow was holding his very important client. He knew that a deal was going to be the only way out of it, and even then it would be difficult to maintain an amicable relationship. He’d have to learn to keep his mouth shut.
Winslow finally re-entered the room a few minutes later with a shit eating grin plastered on his face. “Excuse my temporary absence. Is everything squared away in here?” His two associates nodded as he took his chair at the head of the table again. Dante resisted the urge to fly at him and wrap his hands around his throat. It was a good thing Cynthia had agreed not to come up to the meeting. He wasn’t sure how she’d be reacting.
“Well, that’s good to hear. If you two will leave us; I think Mr. Cross and I are ready to make a deal.” They jumped up like they were being shot at and ran out of the room, leaving just Dante and Winslow who quickly dropped the fake smile. “I want Cynthia; plain and simple. I’m sure you knew that on some level. I made a mistake, and I want the chance to make it right. You have to break up with her and send her back my way to resume her job here at Vosh. I will offer her a comparable employment package. In return, nothing comes out about your secret life as a professional criminal, and your business stays intact.”
Winslow put his fist down on the table like a period while Dante sat there in shock. Of all the things Winslow could have asked for, that was the one thing he was not willing to give. Not only was she indispensable at work, but she was indispensable in his life. He loved her. There was nothing simple about that deal.
“I don’t know about that; I just don’t know. How much time do I have to think about it?” It came out in almost a whisper. What a ridiculous idea; gifting his girlfriend to another man to save his business and reputation. Maybe if he didn’t love her, if he had just met her, but he was too attached. He needed to buy some time, though.
“I can give you one week and no longer,” he responded matter-of-factly.
“Well, I better get to thinking.” Dante stood up, ready to leave before he did something stupid. He made it all the way to the door before Winslow approached him.
“Mr. Cross, no matter our differences, I appreciate you not bringing Cynthia with you.” It was the most vulnerable that man had ever and probably would ever seem. Leave it to a woman like Cynthia to bring the great corporate snake to his knees.
Dante nodded and walked out of the room. He couldn’t stick around any longer. When he reached Cynthia, pacing back and forth in the lobby, she wanted immediate answers. He led her outside and helped her into the car before saying anything. It wasn’t a conversation they needed to be having out in the open.
“So what happened?” Her eyes were as big as saucers as she leaned over and pressed her hand on his knee. She wasn’t going to let it go until he told her. It was an inevitable argument too; one he didn’t want to lose.
“He changed the deal. He had a new proposal for me.” He said it flatly, hoping that she’d leave it alone but knowing she wasn’t going to.
“What was the deal, Dante? Did you take it?” She seemed almost excited, like maybe he had softened the blow. She was dead wrong, though. Winslow had hit him where it hurt.
“He wants you.”
Chapter 28
“You have to let me do it, Dante,” she told him calmly. She knew it was the only way to save both Dante and his company. The answer was clear, no matter how much it hurt.
“Are you crazy, Cynthia? He wants us to break up, wants me to fire you so that he can have you again in every way. How can you look at me in the eye and tell me you love me and then go off and give yourself over to that jackass? I won’t accept it!” Dante ran up the stairs to his apartment and swung open the door. She followed him, knowing she had to find a way to win the argument. She couldn’t live with him losing his life’s work.
“I’m not crazy, and I do love you. That’s why you have to let me do this.”
“That doesn’t even make any sense.” Dante was wild, flailing his arms in anger and desperation. Her eyes softened as she walked up and wrapped her arms around him.
“The best things don’t ever make any sense. Things like us. Hell, we're brother and sister, Dante!"
"Step," he said flatly.
She just shook her head. It didn't matter. "Look, Dante, I hate Winslow with a passion. I don’t want him anywhere near me ever again, but I have to do this for you. If I was the reason that you lost your company..." she couldn't even finish the thought. "Please, just let me do this one thing for you.”
“How is this doing something for me? You would be leaving me, for good. I would be thinking about the two of you together in his fancy bed in his house while I was all alone with my damn company and the MC. No, I won’t accept it.”
“You are so stubborn, Dante!” She threw her hands in the air right along with him, feeling defeated. “Maybe I can change the agreement. It would only be until he’s cooled down, and I can end it more amicably. Then, I’ll be right back to you.”
Dante made a face that let her know the idea disgusted him, and if she was honest with herself, she was disgusted with it too. There was no way Winslow was going to let the whole thing slide if she didn’t sleep with him, if she wasn’t with him for real. For all she knew she’d be stuck with him for another four miserable years. But what else could she do?
“I may be stubborn, but I'll fight for you. I don’t cheat on you. I deserve you; not him.” There was fire in his voice, even though he was speaking in a low, measured tone. She squinted her eyes at him, there was nothing there she could disagree with. “You know he’ll never let you go if you give him the second chance that he shouldn’t have. Hell, he shouldn’t have gotten a first one.”
“If only I had met you first…” she whispered, mostly to herself.
"You did..." he whispered, but he knew what she meant.
They both collapsed on the couch, feeling suddenly exhausted. They were between two hard places, and either choice would destroy them right down to their core. “I can’t lose you,” Dante confessed more softly, placing one had on either side of her face. Cynthia could smell his breath hot on her face as he pulled her closer. She could see the pain in his eyes, and while she knew some of it was for her, some of it was also for all the work he was going to lose. Starting over wasn’t an easy thing. She should know.
“We’ll come up with something, I’m sure of it.” She wasn’t sure she believed her own statement, but at that moment she was saved as he crushed his lips over hers. The kiss was passionate, but also a softness that almost hid a hint of desperation. It might as well have been a goodbye.
Cynthia let her hand slide up under his shirt, feeling the warmth of the skin of his back and chest where her hand grazed. She felt him shiver as goose bumps rose wherever her fingertips touched. “I love you,” she breathed between kisses, like she had to make sure he knew in case tomorrow never came for them. She
had a feeling that it wouldn’t. They would have to make the most of tonight.
As if reading her mind, Dante reached up and began unbuttoning her shirt to reveal a nude lace bra with a jewel in the middle. Her skin tingled and burned as she let his hand wander all over her stomach and chest and then over her left breast inside her bra. He cupped and massaged with his strong, warm hand, making her matching panties feel wet underneath her violet pencil skirt.
She kicked her shoes off and let her fingers come up to tickle at the back of his neck and lace a few stray hairs between her fingers. His hair reminded her of a doll; it was so perfect. Who knew he could be a pretty boy and a bad boy at the same time?
She slipped her arms out of the shirt and unhooked her bra, releasing her breasts for him to see. She could see the lust begin to coat his features, but love was there now too, making him hold back a little. His shirt followed, falling to the floor before their lips connected once again. This time, their tongues explored each other’s mouths like it was the first time for them again. “I love you, too,” Dante finally responded, pulling back and looking at her. It was a moment that she felt the need to etch deep into her memory so she’d never forget.
That’s when they both let loose at the same time, racing to see who could get who undressed first. They stood erect, looking at each other’s bodies before Cynthia jumped into Dante’s arms.
He caught her and carried her into the laundry room, flipping on the washer. “How about we shake things up?” he suggested with a wicked smile, placing her on the cold lid of the running machine. She gasped, feeling the temperature sear against her ass before wrapping her legs around him and pulling his hips in to her.
The vibrations underneath her already felt good. She couldn’t imagine how much better it was going to be once he entered her.
She gasped as his hard shaft slipped into her slick center, plunging deep within her. She leaned back and placed her hands against the cold, gyrating surface, closing her eyes to enjoy the pleasure. She felt his hands run up and down her bare legs as he slid quickly in and out of her. The vibrations were stimulating her along with his pressure as he grunted and slammed into her pussy.
She opened her eyes to peek at him and saw that his mouth was open in ecstasy. She looked down and watched his cock move in and out a few times before moaning at him to let him know she approved of the way he was spicing things up.
She let him fuck her hard as the vibrations helped bring her to orgasm, like it was the last time they’d be caught up in the throes of passion like that.
Cynthia clamped her legs tight around him as she began to shake, climaxing way too soon. Her pussy squeezed at his thick shaft still inside of her as he worked himself to release as well. With a roar, she felt his cock expand as jet after hot jet filled her insides. Another orgasm rolled through her body and she screamed for him, sitting up to kiss his hot lips. It was the best feeling, the best high, in the world.
Slowly pulling out of her, Dante reached behind to turn off the machine. “You’re really a wild one aren’t you?” she asked him playfully, planting light kisses up and down his neck. She let her hair sweep across his face before looking right at him. Her heart did a flip as reality came back to her suddenly. “How about a round two?” she practically pleaded, wanting as much of a distraction from the chaos out in the real world as possible. She wasn’t ready to face what was awaiting them.
Dante smiled and squeezed her ass before lifting her up and carrying her into the bedroom. “I like how you think, Cynthia,” he chuckled, throwing her down on the bed with a wide grin plastered across his face. It was exactly the kind of answer Cynthia wanted from him.
Chapter 29
Dante squeezed Cynthia’s hand as they approached the elevator at Vosh Industries. It was way too soon to see the place again, and knowing what they were about to do made it even worse. He hoped it would keep him away for good, though he couldn’t believe he was allowing Cynthia to take the heat for him like that.
After a week of arguments they had come to a compromise because neither of them was going to back down, but if it had been solely up to Dante, his company would already belong to Vosh or someone else entirely. He’d be under investigation, but he’d still have her all to himself. He was a selfish man by nature, and he wasn’t into sharing anything, especially his old lady.
They let go of each other’s hands as they approached the floor where Winslow’s office was located. They were essentially walking in there with their tails tucked between their legs, and it felt like utter shit. He looked over at Cynthia as they approached his luxurious office and saw that her eyes were trained on the ground. He couldn’t stand that he had gotten her mixed up in all his problems.
The usual secretary gave them both the stink eye as they stormed right in, or rather scuttled. Winslow had a big grin plastered on his face as usual, but it looked more genuine now that Cynthia had come with Dante. “Ah, I see you’ve come to your senses and made the right decision. I assure you that Cynthia here will be in good hands.” The innuendo in the word hands was almost too much for him to handle. He felt like he needed a shower.
Dante watched as Winslow stood up from his desk and came toward them, stopping right in front of Cynthia. Dante clenched his fists and jaw to try and control himself as Winslow placed his arm around her shoulders like they were buddies, or worse, like she belonged to him. “We have another deal, a new condition, Winslow.” It came out shaky but with as much conviction as Dante knew she could have in such a situation. He was proud of her in that moment but sad because of the context.
“Oh, is that so?” Winslow looked between the two of them raising an eyebrow. “I’m pretty sure the terms were clear. No deal without the terms being met.” Cynthia stepped away from him, her head snapping up to look right at him. Dante could see that she was jittery, but her gaze never wavered.
“I’ll come back to the company, just like you want, and you will leave Dante and his company and reputation alone. But you can’t force a relationship, Winslow. I’m still angry at you, and I won’t date you. I won’t give myself to you like that. I won’t be with him,” she looked back at Dante with a pained look on her face and he gave her one right back, “but I’m not going to be with you either.”
Winslow started clapping like a condescending ass, and Dante glared at him with a look that could burn him to cinders. “Bravo, Cynthia, bravo. Since you asked so nicely….” He began with a chuckle. “I’ll amend the agreement for this. I have enough confidence in us that I know I’ll win you back. It’ll be a matter of days before I have you folding into my arms again. In fact, I’ll do something for you in good faith.” He nodded to the secretary who was standing right outside the door, and she came in with a sultry grin. Was Winslow really going to flaunt his witchy mistress in front of Cynthia whilst trying to win her back. What a prick!
“I won’t be needing your services anymore. I’ll be sure to provide you with a full severance package. Clear out your desk and go home.” He dismissed her with a wave of his hand, and she clunked off with a huff. All he was doing was making more enemies and proving to Cynthia he could never stick with one person. He’d always chew them up and spit them out. But the look of shock on Cynthia’s face made Dante feel a pang of doubt. Could she fall for his games again? Would she really be Winslow’s?
They’d agreed on the way there that behind closed doors, somehow, someway, they’d be together. He’d have stolen moments, places where Winslow’s long arm couldn’t reach. But how quick would she tire of that and give into the money and the parties and being able to be seen in public with the guy?
Winslow’s eyes glowed as he looked at Cynthia as if she were a meal before going in close again. He was careful this time not to touch her, but he got as close as he could. “I’m so glad you’re back, Cynthia. I’ve really missed you, and I’m going to show you how I can change for you. You’ll see.” He sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than he was her. Dante detected
a tiny cringe in her movements as he stood so close to her, whispering in her ear.
“So, what are you still doing here? Go and enjoy your company, your criminal lifestyle. I’ve given your life back to you because you’ve given me mine.” Dante looked between the two of them, not hiding his anguish. She mouthed an apology to him before he walked out, digging his nails into his palms for strength. It was the weakest he ever felt, leaving there without Cynthia by his side.
* * *
“So, you let her go just like that?” Dante ignored the concerned look on Billy’s face. Billy had grown quite attached to Cynthia, apparently, and wasn’t any more interested in her being with someone else than Dante was.
Dante threw back his third or fourth shot, he couldn’t remember exactly, before responding. “He got her, and I got my reputation and my company. Besides, we still see each other sometimes, when we can.” Dante wasn’t ready to admit that he’d only seen her once since that day he handed her off to Winslow, and it was awkward. They had sexted a few times, though, to kill the loneliness and hurt, but Winslow kept her working all hours of the day and night so that she couldn’t see Dante even if she wanted to.