Billionaire Stepbrother - Secret Lives Read online

Page 12

  She felt like he was going to impale her as he launched himself into her core as she sat down. She gasped as the last of his long shaft reached her insides, filling her up completely as she closed her eyes and began to slide her hips back and forth. His large strong hands came up to cup her breasts, moving to her rhythm as he began banging against her g-spot and growling with pleasure. The ecstasy took over her body, leading her to a faster and harder rhythm. She felt her muscles aching and just kept going, the feeling building inside of her.

  “Fuck!” Dante called out, and she looked down at him looking up at her. Their eyes connected at the same time as their bodies and souls. She could see that she was really getting to him. It was the first time they had the privacy to scream and moan all they wanted to in quite a while.

  She let out a loud cry as both their bodies began to quake. “Dante!” she called to him as her pussy began to squeeze him hard. Her mouth hung open in bliss as she felt him release inside her with a guttural growl that reminded her of a wild animal. This is what she had been missing.

  Chapter 21

  A knock came at Cynthia’s door. She had just gotten dressed for the first full day with Dante back at the office. Nothing had happened in two weeks, and Bryant was the one laying low, so Dante thought it was safe to go back. She had kept her mouth shut, but she thought it was really sad that they couldn’t work things out. They were like brothers, and now they were avoiding each other like the plague.

  She opened the door to find a boy in a green apron holding a huge bouquet of fake looking flowers in pastels. Part of her was really hoping they were from Dante, but he had always been better than that at picking out more romantic flowers. She had a bad feeling in her stomach that told her it was from an unwanted suitor.

  “Delivery for Cynthia Millard,” the boy announced sounding either high or half asleep. She rolled her eyes and took the flowers, practically slamming the door in his face. She was just not in the mood considering her and Dante had just made up over the weekend. Sure enough as she took a peek at the card it read Winslow with a small note begging her to come back to him.

  She stomped her black heel on the ground and let out a frustrated groan. Why couldn’t he take the hint and leave her the hell alone? She had half a mind to go to the MC and see if they could do anything for her, but Dante wasn’t even aware of the ongoing problem. She knew that she needed to let him know before she did anything else. And then she was going to stomp into Winslow’s office and tell him once and for all she was done. She wasn’t going to lay down and take it anymore.

  Cynthia pickled up her phone and dialed Dante’s number, hoping that she wasn’t going to catch him driving. She didn’t want to cause him to wreck or anything. “Hey, babe, are you on your way to work?” His voice sounded cozy and happy, and she hated to ruin the good mood.

  “Not yet; I actually have something I need to tell you.”

  “Is everything alright?” He instantly sounded worried, and she gritted her teeth, annoyed that she was causing him anxiety.

  “So, I hadn’t thought it was important to tell you before, but ever since I left the job with that guy I told you I dated, he’s been ruining my chances of getting another job as well as trying to convince me to come back to work, if not more. I’ve received phone calls from blocked numbers and flowers, and I just got another bouquet at my door this morning. I think that this is becoming a problem, and I need to go up there and take care of it. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before.”

  She closed her eyes and braced for his anger, but it never came. “You don’t have to be sorry, Cynthia. It isn’t your fault this guy is an ass. Do you want me to do something about it?”

  “No, that would only make it worse. I hate to say this, but I think I need to do it alone and as soon as possible. I just want him out of my life for good.”

  “Well, I agree on that front.” He paused for a minute, and she heard voices in the background. “Sorry about that, they just told me they’re calling some emergency meeting in 30 minutes for high level executives only, so I need to get going. If you don’t have any clients to meet with this morning, just go ahead and get this out of the way. I probably won’t need you until after this meeting anyway, okay? But please don’t hesitate to call the office and ask them to pull me out if he tries anything funny. I am not going to let this shithead mess with you.” He breathed the last part into the phone with white hot anger. It sent a chill down her spine but also made her feel totally protected.

  “I will, but I don’t think he’ll go that far. Winslow's an ass but he's never shown any sign of violence. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Thank you so much.” Cynthia hung up feeling strong and determined. She was going to blow Winslow away with her confidence and send him packing for good. She couldn’t stand him constantly interrupting her life any longer.

  She pulled up to the old building she used to work in and glared up at the ridiculously tall building. It looked like it belonged somewhere in Tokyo or New York were they liked to break architectural records. It annoyed her more than ever considering what she was there for.

  She didn’t bother talking to a receptionist but went straight up to the sixteenth floor where Winslow’s office overlooked half of downtown Detroit. He always liked to look down on everyone below and feel like some sort of king. That really should have clued her in on him being a bad guy to date, but that was hindsight for you.

  His office door was open, so she just walked right in and found a familiar secretary laughing it up with him. At least she wasn’t sitting in his lap this time.

  Winslow stood up to greet her, his egg shaped head towering almost a foot above her even in heels. But she didn’t let his charming smile or large stature intimidate her, and she wriggled free instantly from the hug that he attempted to give her. It made her feel like she needed a shower immediately. It was like hugging a snake.

  “Look who finally came back, Kensey!” Kensey was his big breasted secretary who didn’t look too happy to see Cynthia at the moment. At least she felt good about that. “Please hold all my calls and meetings for now.” She nodded and stomped out as he refused to take his eyes off Cynthia. She closed the door behind them, harder than necessary.

  “It’s so nice to see you, Cynthia. Won’t you please have a seat.” His booming voice bounced off the walls of the office and the glass behind his desk, but she didn’t budge. She was not going to get sucked into sticking around and listening to him spout bullshit. She wanted to get straight to the point.

  “I’m perfectly fine standing, thank you.”

  “Well what brings you back here, then?” He held out his arms like he was including the whole world in that mention before taking a seat at his throne.

  “You know why I’m here, Winslow.” She was sure to say it calm but stern so he knew she wasn’t messing around.

  “Well I would assume it’s because you’ve tired of Mr. Cross’ antics and wish to have a more fulfilling position in both your business and personal life.” He chuckled to himself like he thought he was the funniest and smartest guy on the planet. How did she ever fall for this ass? Then she paused. How did he know that she was not only working for but was dating Dante? She felt more than a little creeped out by it.

  “Look, I don’t know what game you’re playing, Winslow, but it needs to stop. My life is no longer your business, and neither is my career. You no longer have a right to call me or send me flowers or anything else for that matter. Forget who I am and where I live, Winslow, and forget about me working for you.”

  She turned to walk away, feeling that her point had been made and didn’t feel like sticking around, but then Winslow continued the conversation. “I was surprised, really, that you took the job. I figured you’d want to get a position on your own merit instead of because of your body. Not that I helped matters along, and for that I am sorry. But I think the only one playing games here is Dante. I heard through the grapevine that he likes to play lots of games with you, much bolder o
nes than even we used to play. Is he really that much better? Or is the pay that good?”

  She wanted to slap that smug look off his face, but she was frozen in shock. Not only had he insulted both her and Dante, but he seemed to know way too much about her personal life. Had he turned into some kind of crazy stalker since she left him?

  “You’re completely sick, Winslow, and I don’t know what I ever saw in you. I am not coming back to work, and I am certainly not coming back to you on a personal basis. I am done, and if you don’t stop harassing me I will find a way to take legal action against you. A restraining order, or whatever. I have the right to my privacy and my peace, both of which you are violating. Now, if you’ll please excuse me, I’m late for work.”

  Cynthia practically ran to the elevator and jumped in with a bunch of other people punching the button for the ground floor like her life depended on it. She pulled her phone out and began to text Dante. She didn’t want to disturb his meeting, but she had to make him aware of the situation.

  Winslow is crazy, but maybe I finally got through to him. If not I really just want a restraining order or something. He knew things about my job, about me and you. It’s scary and sick. I’m sorry for all this drama. I’m headed to work now.

  She slammed her car door shut after climbing in and started the engine, but she didn’t drive off immediately. She needed to breathe and calm down first. Her heart was racing, and she was in a panicked state. She never should have tried to convince Winslow to leave her alone. What if it just made things worse? She should have just called the police and let them handle it.

  She closed her eyes and made her breathing even, knowing that Dante was certain to have an idea of what to do about this problem, and it would all be okay soon. All she had to do was get to him.

  Chapter 22

  Dante had Cynthia on his mind as he headed down to the conference room. He knew that the guy she had dated, that Winslow character, was an ass who hired women just to fool around with, but it seemed to be going further than that in this case. He couldn’t believe all that was going on right under his nose, and he hated to tell Cynthia, but he was pretty sure going and talking to him wasn’t going to make anything better. But he had to prove he trusted her, so he figured he’d let her do her thing and realize on her own that Winslow wasn’t going to back down. And sadly, if he was in Winslow’s place he’d be just as desperate to have her back. She was a beast at work and in the bedroom.

  He smiled to himself, thinking back to the weekend they had spent in each other’s arms making up for lost time. She had spent almost the whole time in his bed sans clothing. It was probably the best weekend he’d had in a long time, considering what was going on with the MC. He had finally gone off on Bryant and now Bryant had all but disappeared. It made Dante feel a little blue knowing that their friendship was virtually over, but he had to protect his company.

  As he approached the conference room, he shut his phone off and shoved it in his pocket hoping that Cynthia would be alright until after the meeting. He walked in to find a very serious looking panel of executives at the table. John, his stand in CEO was sitting at the head of the table and on each of his sides were the CFO, Kyle Bain, and the COO, Madeline Jones. She was the only woman who had made it that high up in the company.

  Near the other end of the table, though, were two men he didn’t recognize. They looked like they could be related and were even wearing the same cheap suits in different colors as well as terrible toupees. At least he hoped that wasn’t their real hair.

  What in the world was going on, and why were they all staring him down like he had a milk moustache or something? He took a free seat at the other end of the table and looked around, waiting for someone to start speaking. An ominous feeling was beginning to take over as one of the men got up to close the door and pull the shades. Something big was happening, and it made Dante uneasy. Especially since most of the eyes in the room were on him.

  “Mr. Cross, I’m assuming you’re wondering why we’re all here today and what this is all about,” John, the CEO, began. “I want to start by telling you that everyone in this room has been made aware of your true position in this company. I apologize for the reveal, but in this case it was necessary for all parties to understand that you are the true owner and president of the business with all the voting rights here.”

  Dante’s leg began bouncing under the table nervously. Everyone seemed to have a friendly smile on their face, but the smiles could easily be fake.

  John continued. “We all want to thank you for the opportunity to work for such an amazing company as well as for your efforts to keep it going. Profits are way up recently, and the clients are just raving about this place. But, I’m afraid that there is a chink in our armor here, and we all need to be made aware of it. Actually, all of us here have been made aware of it, and that’s why you are here, Mr. Cross.”

  Dante could smell it coming a mile away. He had a feeling his status as owner and president wasn’t the only thing being revealed to his company today, and he didn’t like it at all. Why the hell had they waited two weeks to out him like this, and what was he going to do once it was all over?

  “It has been brought to our attention that you are leading a double life, one that involves very questionable personal choices. If this information got out, I can guarantee many of our clients would not be too happy, and the employees wouldn’t be happy either. We would end up under investigation for a very good reason, and the whole company would be at stake. It has been revealed to us that you are the president of a notorious motorcycle gang known as the Devil’s Pirates.”

  Dante felt sweat dripping from his brow as his hands got clammy and his throat began to swell. This was the moment he had dreaded for so long, and no matter what he’d tried to do to stop it, it still led to this terrible moment. He wanted to speak up and defend himself, but the words did not come. There was nothing to say, really. It was the truth.

  “The person who gave us this information would like to remain anonymous for now, however, these two gentleman are representatives of this man’s company. There is a threat against us, Mr. Cross, that we must address. I’ll let these two gentleman take it from here.”

  Dante stood up, loosening his tie. He clenched his fist against the desk and resisted the urge to punch it. “What threat do you have against my company, gentleman.” He spit the last word out, hoping the saliva would hit at least one of the ridiculous looking men in the face.

  The one with the blue suit stood up looking shaky and tried to hold out his hand for Dante to shake. Dante just glared at it until the man sat down. “I am Mr. Owen Sellers and this is my brother Mr. Todd Sellers.” The man pointed a shaky finger at his nerdy twin with the grey suit who just kept staring straight forward. Apparently Owen was the speaker of the two.

  “My client would like to propose a deal of sorts. We understand what a compromising position this puts you in, since you built this company from the ground up. I am assuming you’d like it to keep running in its current form.” Owen’s voice was still shaking. Clearly, whoever was trying to threaten the company sent the wrong people to do the job. “Our client wishes for you to negotiate a deal for him to buy out your company. You will keep your name and all your clients. Your operations will remain the same, but he will be an equal partner and receive shares as such.”

  “And why the hell would I agree to something like that?” Dante was getting more pissed by the second, and he no longer cared what his image was in that room. He felt like his hands were being tied behind his back.

  “Well, if you don’t, Mr. Cross, then he will leak your secret in some way; to the media, or the rest of the company, however he sees fit.”

  “Isn’t this blackmail? You understand that this is illegal?”

  “I can see how you might construe it that way, however, what illegalities might others find in your personal life that could make you look even worse than our client. Besides, our client is anonymous. You have n
o legs to stand on.” It sounded like Owen was reading a script rather than actually making a viable threat himself. Unfortunately, Owen was also correct. Even if he had done nothing but legal, legitimate work since he took over the MC, the fact that it was a notorious gang that was known to be into illegal activities in the past, while he was still a member, would be enough to bring him down.

  Owen’s phone began to ring, and he put up a finger nervously as he dared answer it in the middle of the meeting. “But sir….” Was the only thing he said before passing the phone to Dante.

  “What the hell is this?” he asked Owen with hostility.

  “Our client wishes to reveal himself. It seems something has changed his mind about remaining anonymous. He wishes to speak with you.” Dante stared at the phone like it was a diseased animal. On that line was the person who was trying to ruin his life, everything he had built for himself. He wasn’t sure if he could know the identity and not do something horrible.